Jimmy Kenny
A dedicated Sacristan - Kingsland N.S. 1921 -1931- By Eamonn Cummins
Jimmy Kenny -A Dedicated Sacristan
On 24th March 1941 a young Kingsland man, Jimmy Kenny took over from his sister-in-law as Sacristan at the Abbey nearby St. Brigid's Church in Breedogue. Now, 53 years later, Jimmy still holds the same position.
Quite spoken Jimmy, a widower for many years, has endeared himself to the people of the area who have come to set their clocks by him as he arrives on time daily, to open and close the church and ring the Angelus bell at noon and 6.00 p.m.
A man who takes pride in keeping the Church always looking at its best for the various ceremonies, he recalls how, when he first started to work his day began early getting the Church ready or the daily 8.30 a.m. Mass.
Jimmy recalls his early years in the Church, the cold and the darkness. He recalls the morning he filled the cruets with water and when the Priest went to use the water it was frozen in the cruets; and in the 40's before the windows in the Tower were built up, he remembers on windy days, you would see the hair blowing on the people's heads.
With the coming of electricity to the parish in 1963, he laughingly points out that his job was made somewhat easier as his brush and dustpan were replaced with the modern vacuum cleaner, and light shone with the flick of a switch.
Jimmy was around to oversee the refurbishment of the Church in 1963. He explains that the Church which was built in 1869 was completely redone with a new roof, doors, drylined the walls and a new floor. While the work was being done the Old Hall was used as a temporary Church. Three Masses were offered every Sunday - 9.00 a.m., 11.00 a.m. and 5.00 pm. Jimmy recalls that the refurbishment went on from 17th March to 15th August 1963. The Church was rededicated by Bishop Hanly on 15th August 1963.
Back in the 40's, 50's and 60's the area was always full of people, but sadly over the years he has witnessed the decline in population. However, he has tried to continue his daily routine and while the daily 8.30 a.m. Mass is no longer celebrated it has been replaced by a 9.15 a.m. Mass in the morning or 8.15 p.m. Mass in the evening, a Vigil Mass on Saturday evening and 11.00 a.m. Mass on Sunday.
In former days Jimmy combined his Church work with a little farming, and his modest Church income of £55 per year enabled him to live a comfortable lifestyle. Now living alone, he explains that a sacristan is still paid by means of an annual collection. While he does not care to mention what the annual figure is, he does remark that people look after him well.
Jimmy recalls some happenings in and around the Church - one of them in the 40's - being told by the then Curate to reserve 10 seats at the top of the Church for a shooting party visiting the Dr. Frayne Estate, Frenchpark. He also remembers the new Priests House being built in 1950 by Ted Corrigan of Ardmoyle.
He also recalls the names of various clergy he has put through his hands over the 53 years. These include Fr. Devine, Fr. Kilbride, Fr. Kerrigan, Fr. Dunning, Fr. Beirne, Fr. Smith, Fr. O'Connor, Fr. Mulvaney, Fr. McTiernan, Fr. Johnston and of course the current Parish Priest Very Rev. Fr. Frank McGauran, who also fills the role of Curate, as Breedogue no longer has a priest. Jimmy smiles and with a grin on his face says that he got along well with all of them, always knowing how to handle them properly and to cope with their individual styles and temperaments.
In 1981 Jimmy was presented with the Benemerenti Medal from Pope John Paul II, for 40 years dedicated service to the Church in Breedogue. He celebrated his Golden Jubilee of service to the Church in 1991 with a special Mass and Social.
Being a Sacristan at St. Brigid's has become a way of life for Jimmy, a way of life he will hold on to for as long as he is able, and for as long as the people of Breedogue continue to treat him with the great respect and kindness which he so richly deserves.